Being A Sensitive Man
This podcast explores the idea and lack of discussion about being a sensitive man.
Gender Barriers
This podcast from Freakonomics Radio looks at gender barriers in the workplace and other social conventions that penalize women and addresses ways to remove those barriers. Includes Myra Strober's experiences in the late 1960s; she was a PhD student in the male-dominated field of economics. Also features an interview with Claudia Goldin about the gender pay gap.
Gender Bias in Movies
Geena Davis and Caroline Heldman discuss the gender bias in movies. Sarah Coyne discusses her research on the impact of Disney's princesses on young girls' gender-associated beliefs. She also describes the backlash she received after their results were published.
Gender and Leadership
In this podcast, the question of why we still see few women in leadership roles is addressed. Several women tell their stories about bias. Shankar Vedantam interviews Alice Eagly, Madeline Heilman, and Lisa Feldman Barrett about the "double bind" women face when filling leadership roles.
Gender Stereotypes and the World Series of Poker
Describes how Annie Duke used gender stereotypic beliefs to win the World Series of Poker.
Glass Cliff
Stephen Dubner interviews female CEOs about their experiences and about the glass cliff: Are female executives more likely to be put in charge of firms that are already in crisis and does this set them up for failure?
How RGB Became "Notorious"
This podcasts details how the late justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg became a "notorious" figure for gender equality - from her early career as an ACLU lawyer arguing on the behalf of men.
In this podcast, the societal expectations for males growing up are discussed. Specifically, it addresses the pressures males experience regarding stifling their emotions, their sexuality, and other qualities that society deems "not masculine."
Men's Loneliness and Masculinity
Shankar Vedantam focuses on men's loneliness that stems from the cultural message that men don't need others.
Sexual Harassment: Anita Hill and the Clarence Thomas Confirmation Hearings
Nina Totenberg, NPR's legal affairs correspondent, discusses breaking the story about Anita Hill's allegations of sexual harassment against Clarence Thomas.
The Witch Craze
Comedian Cariad Lloyd and historian Prof Suzannah Lipscomb join host, Greg Jenner, to revisit the sexism and bizarre nature of the European Witch Craze.
Why is the Equal Rights Amendment still not ratified?
The United States is one of few countries without equal rights for women being written into their Constitution. Despite efforts by 1970s feminists, this podcasts addresses why the ERA never got approved.
Why We Have Too Few Women Leaders | Sheryl Sandberg
Sheryl Sandberg's TED talk is about why there are so few women in leadership positions.
Women in STEM
Mary Murphy discusses her research on subtle discrimination against women in STEM fields.