Gender Action's website contains resources pertaining to gender and gender discrimination, including: activities to utilize, audio and video resources, and posters that promote gender quality that you can download for free.
Equality Now is an organization that advocates for women and girls around the globe. On their website, they have resources available for all such as webinars, fact sheets, as well as lists of other resources and publications.
The United Nation's task force for supporting women's rights has an online library with hundreds of resources on learning about current struggles for women around the globe.
Kim Case of Virginia Commonwealth University created this website for educators who are addressing issues of intersectionality, privilege, and social justice.The resources page includes syllabi and handouts for the intersectionality project and privilege videos ready for use in class. The page also includes a Facebook feed that provides current resources, links, videos, blogs, news stories, and current events for use in the classroom, workshops, and trainings.