This site contains diversity, cross-cultural, and international psychology resources, a searchable database for the journal Teaching of Psychology, and model syllabi for teaching related courses on the psychology of prejudice and discrimination, diversity, and multicultural psychology.
The annual Social Psychology Network Action Teaching Award recognizes "action teaching" that leads not only to a better understanding of human behavior but to a more just, compassionate, and peaceful world. The site contains an archive of awards and honorable mentions from 2006 to present.
Kim Case of Virginia Commonwealth University created this website for educators who are addressing issues of intersectionality, privilege, and social justice.The resources page includes syllabi and handouts for the intersectionality project and privilege videos ready for use in class. The page also includes a Facebook feed that provides current resources, links, videos, blogs, news stories, and current events for use in the classroom, workshops, and trainings.
SPSSI has collected a wide range of teaching materials and resources for use in course design. The site includes syllabi, texts, reading/video lists, and activities.
This website, developed by Susan Goldstein, is designed to help faculty infuse social justice issues into their courses. The site includes summaries of research findings from recent peer-reviewed psychological journals; videos, podcasts, and other multimedia resources; classroom activities and teaching strategies; and links to professional organizations and scholarly web resources with information on social issue
This website includes a handbook on how to engage difficult dialogues in classroom and other academic settings. The resource includes a number of hands on techniques.
Jon Mueller regularly updates this site with class assignments, activities and exercises, online lectures, and new books and articles (and the newest links are marked). Search within social psychology for resources related to the teaching of stereotyping, prejudice, and discrimination.
This website is a free resource created by the Southern Poverty Lawn Center as a resource for teaching social justice to kindergarteners through high schoolers. Some of the features include lessons plans, short texts for teaching, and learning plan builders.
This project focuses on creating immersive content to be used to teach social issues for grades 3 through 12. On their website, you can find resources like: photo essays, interviews, and virtual reality story-telling.
This website includes resources for including social justice in various subjects for K-12 teachers. The resources have been built through the collaboration of faculty and graduate students in the College of Education at the University of Iowa.
This page is full of resources and tools related to teaching diversity and change, including tools geared towards direct action, de-escalation & peace-keeping, and diversity & oppression. It offers resources in both English and Spanish.