This site is on online companion to the 3-part documentary, Race: The Power of an Illusion and features background readings, resources, and excellent online activities (click on Learn More).
This resource was designed to help facilitate discussions about identity, inequality, and education for children of color. The resource includes six interactive graphs that demonstrate the disparities that make it difficult for children of color to excel in the classroom. The resource also highlights key things teachers should do when addressing race and racism in the classroom.
SPSP is an organization that is committed to supporting efforts to change the culture of racism, providing programs and resources to support the community who identify as Black and African American and others who live in racial injustice. This resource page is a compilation of resources and links to publications regarding racism, bias, and diversity.
Kim Case of Virginia Commonwealth University created this website for educators who are addressing issues of intersectionality, privilege, and social justice.The resources page includes syllabi and handouts for the intersectionality project and privilege videos ready for use in class. The page also includes a Facebook feed that provides current resources, links, videos, blogs, news stories, and current events for use in the classroom, workshops, and trainings.
BlackLivesMatter at School is an organization dedicated towards social justice in education. Their website is full of teaching resources for promoting racial justice that focus on teaching racial equity as well as promoting racial equity in the school system.
This project focuses on creating immersive content to be used to teach social issues for grades 3 through 12. On their website, you can find resources like: photo essays, interviews, and virtual reality story-telling.