Anthony Robles' Perseverance Award Acceptance Speech
Anthony Robles accepts the ESPN Jimmy V. Perseverance Award. Robles, who was born with only one leg, won the 2010-11 NCAA championship in wrestling with a 36-0 season.
Blind People Tell Us Which Questions Annoy Them the Most
Individuals who are blind discuss the ways they have experienced ableism from those without visual impairments.
Developing Vision Without Privileging Sight
Staci Mannella describes her experiences as a blind college student at Dartmouth College, focusing on her challenges but also on her many successes, including her advocacy for students with disabilities on her campus.
Discriminating Against People with Autism (Health Insurance Commercial)
This commercial seeks to end discrimination against people with autism spectrum disorder in health insurance policies.
Reach Out: A Film About Mental Health Awareness
This short film about mental health awareness looks at the way people with mental health concerns feel and the prejudice they face.
Service Dogs for Veterans
This commercial shows how a service dog can help combat veterans with PTSD.
Tourette's: What Makes You Tic?
Marc, a man with Tourette's, discusses his experiences with Tourette's in order to convey the value of tolerance.
What Having Anxiety Feels Like
Meghan Rienks gives an inside look at what individuals with anxiety disorders experience on a daily basis.
What If?
These two videos imagine what would happen if individuals without disabilities were treated like a minority group and the world was designed for individuals with disabilities.
What Is Dyslexia?
Kelli Sandman-Hurley gives a TED-Ed talk about dyslexia and neurodiversity.