Age & Aging
Ageism in U.S. Culture
Ageism is present in many areas of our culture but is not well recognized or understood. In this video, Carl Werling discusses what ageism is and where it can be noticed, what problems it causes for individuals and groups, and what actions can be taken to address ageist beliefs.
Ageism in the Workplace
This video shows an interview with a woman who was fired after turning 65.
Millennials and Ageism
In this video clip, Millennials state what age they consider to be old and then demonstrate what old age looks like.
Old People Sex Prank
This film clip displays older adults pretending to have sexual intercourse in a public place and the implications for those around them based upon stereotypes people hold about older adults.
Positive Ageism
This video focuses on positive aging, but ends by noting that employment discrimination is still a reality for many older adults.
Ageism and Sexism
Ageism can be experienced differently based on an individual's or a group's identity. In this video, Carl Werling discuss differences in how women and men are treated as they age, the negative outcomes that stem from differences in treatment based on gender, and how people can combat these negative prejudices.
Say "No" To Ageism
During the video, negative words reflecting what people think of older adults pop up.