Combating Prejudice
Combating Prejudice
This video clip is from Remember the Titans. The story takes place in Virginia during the 1970s. Racial tension is high as schools and other public institutions attempt to integrate. During a football game, a high school coach stands up to the referees for discriminating against his players while making calls.
Keywords: Remember the Titans, Coach Yoast takes a stand
This is a clip from Rescue Me, a television show about divorced firefighter Tommy Gavin. A group of firefighters are going through sensitivity training to avoid prejudice. During the discussion, the workshop leader struggles to break through to the men who routinely use racist language.
Keywords: Only whites are racist
This commercial seeks to end Autism discrimination in health insurance policies. It illustrates a clear example of institutional discrimination. Choosing not to provide for Autistic children because of profit is discrimination, not to mention, immoral.
Keywords: Autism speaks TV ad
This is a clip from a news station in Milwaukee. The news reporter had received a letter from someone who told her that she was obese and a bad example for children in America. During this newscast, she addresses the person who wrote her the letter.
Keywords: Woman addresses sizeism issue
This clip is from an episode of Greys Anatomy. A white person who worries she may have come off as racist gets advice from a black friend about how to avoid racism. She is reminded to check her white privilege if she ever feels like she did something wrong.
Keywords: White privilege, Greys Anatomy
This clip shows how military personnel promise to protect Muslim Americans against hateful threats.
Keywords: Muslim Americans, Military Personnel
This video provides suggestions for responding to racism in every day life and encourages us all to stop shying away from the topic of race in general.
Keywords: race, combating racism, BuzzFeedYellow